Friday, March 21, 2008

So you know yes its great that he has questions but ....they read the paper at school. My son looks at the sports page for hunting news and that's great. But he came home with this. I think he enjoys seeing me squirm...I really need to update my self with the world today but I have been told by my sister , stop watching the news ...Because I freak out. I worry my kids car seats have been recalled and I missed the news. The Lady fell out of the roller coaster ride and died, razor found in candy, lead found in toys, kids kidnapped, cancer from diet pop. I can be a worry wart. Anyway I can sure get off track. Brandin wants to know what this is and I do know but Brandin can not believe we have been over there 5 years. He is wondering why no one told him. Yes chuckle. I want to know who is responsible for not telling my son we were at war the same war for 5 years. He is very serious so I can't laugh and he can never know I share this info with you. He would be so upset. Because it would not be cool if his friends knew he was questioning anything important. The whole war thing has really got him thinking our family has had several members in different wars. Including my grandfather Lu who was a very colored veteran. He had to do a report on 2 topics. (They got a list). He picked His Grandma & Grandpa's life during WWII. & The Holocaust. I wrote a note to the teacher making him pick a different subject not the holocaust. I was afraid of the things he would see in the Internet while searching the subject. He has a very gentle heart & I think it would bother him to see the horror. So we questioned my gram and Echo & I already questioned pap before he died. I also asked some older men at the VFW in Canonsburg and you would not believe the info I got. We are almost done with the projects I will post them when we are done. Oh yeah your probably wondering what topic he ended up with for the 2nd report Pearl Harbor. We decided this was a good one for our family. Pearl Harbor was the reason my grandfather Louis T Leon Joined the Army. 6 months after pearl harbor was hit my grandfather joined. He was not drafted he joined. I will not bore you with all that mubo-jumbo. I will later when I post the report. I am going to go enjoy my pop. Yes I mean soda.

Pickled Eggs

Pickled eggs. My sister just can not seem to remember how to make these. When you see how you will laugh. We make these a good bit our family loves them . The kids call them pink eggs. Easter is the best time because what else are you going to do with all of those colored eggs.

you need 1doz. eggs, Vinegar, Sugar, (2)Canned beets.

Get a large container. I like to use an old coffee can or something old with a lid that will seal. (If it spills beet juice stains everything). Also the beet juice will stain the container. Peel the eggs and put in the container poor canned beets on top.

On the stove put 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup sugar in a pot and bring to a boil. Pour hot mixture of the beets and eggs. No need to stir. Place in fridge. They will stay good in the fridge 2 weeks.

Other things we love to make with our colored eggs. Eggs salad & Deviled Eggs.
My kids each year color eggs and we take them to the older people on our circle. I wonder if the eat them or toss them. Either way I know my kids think they are giving.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My son Brandin gets up everyday at 6am for school. He showers then wakes me up. We watch the news. He starting doing this, this school year. It makes him feel older I guess. I have come t depend on him waking me up. I no longer set my alarm why bother (until he forgets and we all wake up really late) This morning on the Today show they were talking about Osama Bin....and about the threat he sent to Europe. From what I got while coming in and out getting coffee. A big European newspaper printed comics in 2005 and got some heat over them from the Iraq people. The reprinted them in 2008 and apparently pissed Mr. Osama off. He sent the European gov't a message saying that If they are open to their freedom of speech. Then the Europeans should open their hearts to our actions. My son had a question..Why reprint why maybe stir up the wrath of this horrible man. They know what he is capable of. I am proud of my son for thinking this way. But also he thinks we should nuke them all. I have talked to him about this and about nuclear war. I am glad he watches the news but when is the right age for the news really. And my dearest sisters' sister in law. I know you read my blog as I do yours. And I must say I enjoy it. Can you get your overseas contacts to give me a better meaning of all of this. Maybe I did not catch it all or misunderstood.

Monday, March 17, 2008

So I have posted tons of pictures. I love when Echo's kids come to visit me. We have a blast. In 2007 we went to Idlewild, Ohiophyle, Shopping, Rode 4 wheelers, swimming, the Fayette County Fair, Monster Truck Races, Grandma Leons, Rode the ponies on the farm and much more.