Thursday, August 14, 2008

I loved the idea of making bows. My sister Echo told me how last year but I never found the time. Now that cheer leading is starting I want to have a variety of ribbons for MJ. So I got the ribbon and clips.. Echo told me just put the ribbon on a rod and bake it in the oven on low heat for 2 to 3 min. So MJ & I cut the ribbon and got it all ready I turned the oven on low . Low to me is like 200-250. Since it only needed to bake for 3 min . I set the time and MJ and I enjoyed a coke and watched it bake. Remember the shrinky dink. I'm not sure why we felt the need to watch it like it was going to do something spectacular. We baked it the first time and let it cool in front of the air conditioner. It did not work so MJ and I tried it 3 more times. It still did not work . So we called aunt Echo. She says we I know I'm right but let me call my good friend and I'll call you back.......Well she was 1/2 wrong. Low heat my butt. You need to have it on 375. And 3 min. Yeah O.K...try 25 in. So we did not watch it this time but it worked. We love it. We are working on a few different ones. This picture does not do it justice but next time MJ wears it I will take her picture.


So We have a really big fish tank. It was my grandfathers then my mothers and I just ended up with it. So we have around 13 fish in it now but we can not seem to get any more to stay alive. The kids love to go to the pet store and look around and then pick out fish. We went there last week. Braxton picked 2 new water frogs for the tank we already have one and he loves it. Brandin picked out another shark we already have two. I wanted some really cute colorful fish but they never like the ones I like and if I really thought they would not die I would just buy one for me to. But its for the kids. MJ loves the ones that were called Dalmatians. She called them oreo's. I told the lady to bag us up two of them. She was so nice and told MJ that two were pregnant and would be having babies with in the week. "Honey would you like those?". Why would she ask her that she should have asked me. But needless to say we came home with two pregnant fish. We also got a snail . The lady said we do not have any out here I will get one and I will bring it to check out. Sounded OK to me. When we got to check out She had a snail alright. It was bigger then a golf ball. It was the biggest blackest snail I have ever seen. So when we left Brandin went to the car with the kids and I walked next door to Target to get vanilla Ice Cream for the picnic ( I will explain that in another post). When I came out of target Brandin was jumping up and down in the parking lot. MJ was crying her eyes out in the car and Braxton was trying to calm her down by holding her. I ran to the car because they were acting like something tragic just happened. Well........The one fish was having babies. Sounds like the kids should have been delighted. but no the other fish in the bag were eating them almost as fast as she was having them. My children saw first hand the pyramid of life. We live 20 min. from town. So I rushed home and MJ was so upset. Fish have alot of babies. Over 30 little fish lived. The other fish ate more then double that. So now 3 days later all of the fish, frogs and babies are dead. The only thing still alive is the giant snail. But I called the pet store to tell the lady who sold us the fish about the babies dieing and I asked her if I could have done something to save them. I am glad I called. Did you know Pet Smart has a two week return policy on their fish. To bad I already flushed them. But now we can buy buy buy and return return return. I am so excited. Looks like we will be going to the pet Smart more often now.