Sunday, April 20, 2008

Donkey basketball. Becky played. I said no way!. Becky said as she got out of the shower and was deciding on what to wear he thoughts were. ....I'd better wear pretty panties incase I get hurt and I have to go to the hospital...I better wear a really sturdy bra so I do not give myself a black eye. ..Yes Becky almost everyone has these thoughts. But you are the only one in the world who talks out loud about them.
I have not posted in a long time so I can tell you it has been crazy. My husband PJ broke his foot. Yes as I said before he thinks he is a Dirt Bike Racer. Well GO GO DIRT BIKE RACER right to the ER>>RRRRRRRR. 7 hours we waited and now he is in a walking cast for 4 weeks. I think I would rather take care of a 10 sick 3 year olds then 1 adult man with a hurt foot. He has more compassion for my father now. For those who have not heard my father got he right leg removed last July. He is still not healed yet because of the diabetes. So now PJ realizes how hard it is for my dad.